Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Favorite Quotes

Dana - "I'll just put it right there and you can watch it and if anyone comes near it you protect it, pie, cause I forget what it's called. Oh yeah, lemon bars."
Translation - "Mom will you watch my lemon bar while I go upstairs and take a shower so that Kimmy doesn't get into it and eat it all gone."

Dana - "Mom, so you know who we are I have one of these around my neck that is green diamonds, and Kimmy has one that is purple circles, so you don't forget, okay?"
Translation - "Mom, don't you like the green necklace I am wearing and the purple one I put on Kimmy?"

Nate - "Mom guess what I did? Did you know that 12,468 plus 11,221 is 23,689?" Mom - "Awesome Nate, how did you know that?" Nate - "I counted it on my fingers, duh."

Kimmy, after walking over to me, grabbing the remote off the couch next to me, walking about three feet away, turning around, and smiling like a tricky trickster at me - "Mine now, mine now, mine now, hahahahahahahaha!"


The Lanyons said...

I love kid quotes. It's so fun to have little comedians running around the house all day!

Thanks for your help on my last blog, I think that's what I'll do. I'll go out shopping today for a basic dress and some crafty supplies.

Athack77 said...

To funny! I love watching and then trying to understand how my kids minds work.

Marcee said...

Don't you just love how your kids are all so smart and always seem to know everything?!!

Tiana Johnson said...

I love that Dana and Tilly are so close in age! Dana's quotes are totally things Tilly says to me, in similar words. I love it! And I love that Nate can count so high on his fingers! :)

Sally said...

That is too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Nates got a lot of fingers!

Wayne and Ann Cowley said...

How many fingers does Nate have?????????????